Culture Juggler

Culture as Seen through the Kaleidoscope of Fine and Applied Art.

Culture as Seen through the Kaleidoscope of Fine and Applied Art.

Exploring the Relationship Between Jung’s Intuitive Thinking and Modern Art: Is There an Opposition?

I find an intriguing connection between Jung’s theories and vision in art, especially in our modern era where we’re confronted with fast-paced ‘art’. The juxtaposition of intuitive thinking and logic, alongside the acknowledgment of myth’s sacred significance in our lives, often unsettles people. In a society that prioritizes rational reasoning above intuition, doubts naturally arise about this concept. However, according to Jung, humans possess a mystical and intuitive dimension that links us to the collective unconscious.

Jung’s departure from Freud, who elevated rational thinking above all else, resonates on a personal level. We have a direct relationship with parapsychological phenomena such as synchronicity and intuition. This clash manifests in statements like ‘art is useless’ or ‘form follows function’. When architecture, design, and urban spaces are stripped of ‘beauty’, it reflects a rejection of intuition in favor of a mechanistic mindset.

Dismissing ornamentation as ‘useless’ disconnects us from our true essence, one that collaborates with intuition and gut feelings. This rejection of intuition is evident in phenomena like the glorification of concrete, minimalist designs devoid of beauty, and the elevation of nonsensical art. We must consider whether slowing down and heeding our intuition could redirect our creative process, ultimately contributing to a better world